Sunday, December 9, 2012

Attempting to restart blogging, and taking a whole new spin on things...

So, life has taken a crazy turn since the last time i wrote here over 2 years ago.  This blog is going to emphasize healthy living, of course, but it's also going to focus on caring for and living with a child with type 1 diabetes...
the day joey was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  all she wanted to eat was grapes and we couldn't let her until we got her blood sugar down.... so grape tomatoes had to suffice....

I am currently raising money for the JDRF (juvenille Diabetes research foundation)
which supplies BY FAR the most amount of money for research to prevent, treat and one day cure Type 1 Diabetes.
this is how we train for the shamrock marathon, although i don't really make joey push the triple stroller too often

 I will be running the Shamrock Marathon in March for team JDRF.    This organization is like a lifeline that I can pour my efforts and energy into and really know that I am doing the best I can to help improve the health of my child.  I have put the link for my fundraising page on here..

 take a look if you have time.  And know that if you donate to the JDRF, either through my link/team page, or in another manner, your money is going to an amazing cause that is basically a lifeline for thousands of people like my sweet little girl.  thanks for taking time to read this, and i'll be updating it more often than once every 2 years :)
here is a great article that and i thought it was very inspirational, sad, and informational.  regardless of whether Type 1 diabetes effects you, you really have to have respect for those that live with it and are effected by it.
breaks my heart that diabetes causes so many health effects, especially glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.  i can't imagine anything but perfection when i look at my sweet joey's eyes


  1. Beautiful post even if it is over such a difficult topic. Joey is so lucky to have such amazing parents that love her so much!

  2. thanks for encouraging me, charlotte! sorry this isn't going to be exactly what it started out to be!! it's your turn for a "the crazy life of charlotte" blog!!
