Tuesday, December 11, 2012

document document document....

joey's blood sugar over the past week... not too bad, but not too good either.... lows are basically every morning and highs are every nite. 

so, i thought it'd be interesting for those out there who don't know what blood glucose ranges type 1 diabetics see on a regular basis, well, these  are the ones we see every day.  These are joey's numbers from the past week.  We check about 7-10 times a day.  When someone says "oh, they manage their diabetes well,"  this actually mean that their life is pretty much consumed by these numbers and trying to get them into the correct range.  Yep, that's our life... consumed by the numbers that pop up on our little glucometer screen.  If this was a graph of my blood glucoses, pretty much every one would be within the green range 80-110.  Well, as you can see, that's not quite the case with Type 1 diabetes, no matter how well you're managed... and like i said, this is a good week.

i am however, very grateful for this program, diabetes pilot, that lets me document everything on my phone and then i can sync it to my computer and email joey's doc all the info every week (glucoses, carbs/fat per meal, insulin given, exercise done, and more).... oh yes, so i must document EVERYTHING!!!  good thing i'm a nurse and have learned to document everything already... i just didn't think i'd be doing it in my everyday life.

go team Shamrock Marathon team JDRF !!


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